Thursday, June 25, 2009

Behind The Scenes With Philips X810

via Yanko Design by Radhika Seth on 6/25/09

Ardent fans know that YD rarely covers real-live phones and lets the tech sites do the honors. On the rare occasions that we do cover them, it’s coz we try and bring out a different angle to the phone, like the design angle. I had the opportunity to interact with the Philips X810 designer Trent Stoddard and understand his sensibilities in designing this phone. The task at hand was to design a phone for the Chinese market, for a user who needed a large range of functions (like handwriting recognition) plus reflect luxury and individuality.

Relying on his trademark straightforward and honest design approach, Trent employed contrasting materials like stainless steel and rubber to scrounge out a “minimal yet iconic” design.

Inspiration is an integral part of design and Trent was inspired by bars of gold and silver and even organic elements like waves and sand dunes. Apparently the wave form at the answer keys acts to protect the screen when the phone is placed face-down. The detailing on the phone was inspired by fashion accessories like the buckles on handbags and shoes.

I know the techie in you wants to know the specs, so feast on it here.

BTW, care to tell me what inspires you designers when you sit on the drawing board? Leave me your comments; I’m sure they will inspire all of us!

Designer: Trent Stoddard for Philips


Philips X810 Mobile Phone by Trent Stoddard for Philips


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